The Residential Home
I nostri servizi

Anziani autosufficienti
Reparti: Polignieri, Magnani, Rivalta e Minardi-Zambelli

Anziani Autosufficienti con maggior bisogno assistenziale
Servizio Vassura
L’Ente dispone di 191 posti autorizzati per persone autosufficienti o parzialmente autosufficienti, assicurando qualificati servizi alberghieri quali ad esempio pulizia ambienti, fornitura pasti, lavanderia, un ambulatorio del medico di base e assistenza infermieristica diurna, una palestra con servizio di fisioterapia oltre all’assistenza di base.
Submit an application
Private beds assigned by us
You can download the application form from our website and then email it to
Alternatively, it is possible to bring your application directly to our Administrative Office.
Click here to access our set of forms
Our Board of Directors will receive the application, which will be evaluated in order to decide whether to put the applicant in the waiting list.
If the Board approves the application, before admitting the applicant into our Residential Home, the Facility Coordinator will examine and assess the dependency level of the resident.

Wards for fully independent residents
Comfortable rooms (single or double) with a balcony or apartments
Each ward has its own dining room, as well as multiple living rooms – one for each floor
You can also find 2 multi-purpose rooms, a 248-seat theatre with an acoustic and visual system, a café, a church, gyms for both physical activity and rehabilitation, and a hair salon
The Polignieri Ward
The Magnani Ward
The Rivalta Ward
The Minardi-Zambelli Ward

The ward for partially independent residents
It is reserved for residents who need additional assistance